
Doug Diamond is both a highly schooled and street-savvy business executive with over 30 years of experience in the world of small to medium sized businesses. He is a graduate from the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania ('84).

Early in Doug's career, he became CEO and owner of Diamond Management Systems (DMS), a vertical market software company that writes and installs accounting-oriented software and complete turnkey hardware and network solutions in small businesses. While CEO, sales grew from $4 million to $12 million over a 4 year stretch, meaning that the company was a "gazelle" (a company that grows at 20% of more per year for 4 consecutive years).  When he sold the business in 2000, DMS employed over 100 people in five offices across the United States.

Business Advisor / Coach

In 2000, Doug opted to take his experience and knowledge in leadership, strategic planning, finances, and operations and put them to use as an advisor helping small businesses. He has now worked with dozens of organizations across many different industries.  In 2017, he became a Certified Great Game of Business Coach.


On a personal level, Doug actively participates in a variety of leadership and educational roles at his church, including serving on various planning and vision teams, and teaching a giftedness awareness program that encourages participants to use their inherent strengths. He has also been married for over 25 years and is the proud father of two wonderful daughters. 

  • Make the complex simple - constantly find ways to simplify complicated things to make them easier to manage.  Use the Pareto principle in all possible ways.  Focus on the 20% that gives 80% of the impact.  Find the simplicity on the far side of complexity.
  • Get It Done - don't wait if you can avoid it - get it done today.  Pick up the pace.  Find urgency in what we do.  Life is short and precious, so let's squeeze in all that we can.  
  • Improve Continuously - we are never done learning, and there is so much to learn.  Attend the educational events.  Read the books.  Learn on purpose.  Put what we learn into practice.
  • Build Lasting Relationships - treat people with respect and integrity.  Provide as much value as we can.  Develop long term relationships with people who challenge and motivate us.  
  • Communicate Effectively - be kind, but more important, be honest.  Let people see us authentically.  Be real.  Compress what we say and write into the fewest most impactful words.   


Ability to sort thru the clutter and find the best route. See patterns where others see complexity.



Tendency to be inquisitive and to collect information that can someday be put into practice/use.



Taking ownership of anything agreed to and following it thru to completion. Do what is promised.



Eager for action, because only action is real; only action leads to performance. Find the fastest route and get on it.



Drawn to the process of learning, and enjoying getting to know new situations, new markets, and new teams quickly.


We will strive to achieve the following in your business:



We will work with you to identify your key priorities, and will help you make steady progress on those priorities.  Whether it's developing and implementing your first strategic plan or working on challenging people or profitability issues, we will help you make progress to keep you growing.   



We will help you develop clarity around where you want to go, both organizationally and within each of the 8 priorities.  We will help you answer the question "what do we want to accomplish and how do we need to do it"? The best minds in the organization need to determine the target and the strategy—this cannot be done by consensus. The result of this thinking effort is not a lengthy document, but a concise, well worded series of bullet points designed to communicate where the organization needs to go, and how it will get there.



We will, as much as possible, get your team connected to your vision and working with you to accomplish the business goals.  The more people that understand what you are trying to do, and the more you give them a stake in the outcome, the more energy and discretionary effort they will pour into your business.  You need to communicate the plan, gather feedback, make adjustments, and get each part of your company on board. If your people are not engaged, you cannot make consistent improvement.