
Gary Pica, CEO of TruMethods in Moorestown, NJ

"I met Doug at a Workshop that he led in the spring of 2012, and he's facilitated every TruMethods long term, annual and quarterly planning session since 2014.  When we started working with Doug, it was just my partner Bob Penland and I working in a small office over my garage. Now we're a thriving 20 person company that has established itself as a well known market leader. While there's no way I'm giving Doug ALL the credit for our success, he's definitely helped us as we've grown.  I've always been a huge advocate of business planning, and Doug's tools, approach, and personality all work for us to keep us on the fairway when life keeps trying to push us off course.

Not only has Doug helped TruMethods with their business planning, but I've invited him to help our member companies as well, and we've heard great things from them about his 1 day workshops and his on-line Deeper Dive program.  He's also been a Schnizzfest speaker and he always seems to find a way to make us look good.  If you are interested in getting to the next level of business planning, hire him."


Michael Andre, Gateway Ticketing Systems, Gillbertsville, PA

“I have worked with Doug Diamond over the last eight years for strategy development at the corporate level as well as personal leadership coaching.  Over the time we have experienced significant growth and more than doubled our top line revenue.  We routinely engage Doug in our annual and quarterly planning sessions to develop and facilitate the agenda, guide my team’s problem-solving and brainstorming activities in each work session, and drive the outcome to an actionable plan that is well thought-out and ready for execution.   Every great team has a great coach; and Doug is ours.  Doug is not only a skilled facilitator, whether it is working with my executive or management teams, or with me personally as a CEO, but he also imparts a structured approach and practical methods to help us address and resolve whatever challenge we may be facing.  He is an experienced and disciplined business advisor, a thoughtful teacher, and an honest and caring individual.  I highly recommend Doug and his services to any CEO who wants to build on the potential within themselves and their organizations to make them each the best that they can be.”


John Willey, CEO Peninsula  Seaford DE

"We've been working with Doug and Business Improvement since December 2015, and have made significant progress in implementing the Great Game of Business methodologies. We are finding the principles really help to focus our senior leaders and to drive accountability into our organization. The One Page Plan has had a big impact. The Great Game principles get everyone in the company engaged around our numbers and working more together as a team. The combination of the One Page Plan and Great Game methodologies is powerful. Further, regular coaching phone calls with Doug have helped me to stay focused and give me a sounding board and confidant to discuss challenges that I can't easily discuss with anyone else. I am glad we began the relationship when we did, and look forward to continued business improvement."

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Keith Baldwin - President of Spikes Trophies, Philadelphia PA

"I have known and worked with Doug Diamond for over 10 years.  In those years Doug has been an integral part of our operational and strategic planning.  Doug took me and my management group through the Gazelles Rockefeller Habits training, which we continue to use to this day as a way to run our business to have everyone on the same page, with focused agreed to priorities.

Recently, during this past year, Doug has assisted me in educating my employees in "The Great Game of Business".  "The Great Game of Business" is a form of open-book management.  Doug has assisted me in the financial education of my staff, in order for them to assist me in improving the company and the bottom line.  Doug helped me communicate the "stake in the outcome" to the employees, as an incentive to improve the business in order to share the fruits of their improvement and the growth of our bottom line.

In addition to the above, I also hired Doug as a speaker for my national buying group, Award Associates of America.  He conducted a benchmarking workshop which brought to light various strengths and weaknesses among the different member businesses and created dialog to share best practices, learn and improve each of our businesses collectively which earned him rave reviews.

Doug possesses great business insight and experience, which he shares with extraordinary integrity.  My team loves working with Doug.   I would personally recommend Doug to any business owner who is looking for assistance with their businesses growth."


Eric Reiger, President WEBIT Services, Naperville, IL

“If you want to make a positive impact on your business, Doug is the person you want to work with. He’s the one person in our mentor group I couldn’t do without; he gives me a reality check and brings a unique perspective to the table that helps keep me focused and grounded in reality. It’s been nothing short of amazing how he’s guided me through the planning process, something I don’t consider myself very good at. There’s not an area of our company that he hasn’t had a hand in improving, and he does it with integrity, compassion, and transparency. Doug is constantly looking out for the best interest of his clients, but he doesn’t pull any punches – if you need to hear something, you’ll hear it. He’s been a veritable rock for us since day 1 and I trust him with everything. I feel like he’s family. I can’t explain how much of a positive impact he’s had on my business and on my life. And it’s not just me – I’ve worked with him for years in the TruMethods group, and I’ve heard over and over again how businesses wouldn’t be the same without Doug. If someone is on the fence about a coaching mentorship, I would give them my number and say “Call me, I’ll explain what kind of an impact he’s had on our business and my life.”


Jerry Sheehan - President of Synchronet, West Seneca, NY

"My team has been part of the Deeper Dive program since November 2016, which meets on-line twice per month.  The key benefit for me is structure.  With life as crazy as it is, the program keeps us in our planning rhythms, so we always have a quarterly plan that we're working on that connects to our annual plan, and our annual plan connects to where we're trying to get in the next 3-5 years.  We're still learning how to really nail every single quarter's plan, but that's part of the journey.   All I can say is that we learn sometime each quarter that makes us better.

I'm also doing 1-on-1 coaching with Doug, which gives me a chance to bounce ideas and have someone hold me accountable to the ideas that I believe are worth my time but sometimes lack the focus to achieve without some outside nudging.  I'd recommend the program to anyone who wants to add some structure and business planning strength to their business."

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Jon Schram - Purple Guys, Kansas City, KS

"Doug has been instrumental in our ability to implement the tools and techniques outlined in Scaling Up.  Since April 2015, Doug has facilitated conversations with my management team that have lead to better team unity, stronger commitment to quarterly goals and held us accountable to executing on those goals.  The numbers tell the story.  We’ve seen over 20% growth in our core number (Monthly Recurring Revenue) each year since we’ve been working with Doug.  Having an aligned team with clear goals and measurements makes all the difference.  I highly recommend Doug to anyone wanting to scale up their business."