
Business is like a maze.

We help you take the shortest route to where you want to arrive. Business Improvement’s purpose is to fostering ORGANIZATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. Improvement that leads to “next-level” growth and better outcomes. Improvement that harnesses and utilizes the true potential of an organization.

Doug and his team work individually (Coaching) and organizationally (Business Advisor) to change people--their behaviors and thinking. Using his vast business experience, the many proven tenets of several coaching organizations, and the principles & practices of many other thought leaders,  Doug’s relationships with his clients consistently results in measurable improvements in company culture, communication, revenue growth, profitability, owner compensation, and employee satisfaction.

Combining deep experience in planning, business systems, finance  and organizational design, Doug helps clients develop and improve their processes, organizational vitality, metrics and tools they use to operate their businesses.


John Willey, CEO Peninsula  Seaford DE

"The combination of the Great Game and other methodologies is powerful. Further, regular coaching phone calls with Doug have helped me to stay focused and give me a sounding board and confidant to discuss challenges that I can't easily discuss with anyone else."


Michael Andre, Gateway Ticketing Systems, Gillbertsville, PA

"I highly recommend Doug and his services to any CEO who wants to build on the potential within themselves and their organizations to make them each the best that they can be.”

Doug uses a collaborative approach, leveraging his unique skills and the inherent talents within the organization to bring out the very best in an enterprise.

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We can work with your team at your location, or any location in the world that you require. We will work with your space to make it as impactful and as comfortable as we can.



We have developed the skills and tools required to work with your team on-line as needed. More teams than ever are remote, and we can bring them together to help you in your planning and performance monitoring efforts.

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Combination On-Site and On-Line

Some teams come together only a few times per year, and need to work on-line the balance of the year. We have the skills to help you maximize both the on-site and on-line meeting experiences.

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On-Line Group Program ("Deeper Dive")

For smaller teams (5-20 people), we offer an on-line group program called "The Deeper Dive" that teaches our core methodology, and gets your team together twice per month to plan and make improvements to your business.

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Keith Baldwin - President of Spikes Trophies, Philadelphia PA

"Doug possesses great business insight and experience, which he shares with ... integrity.  I would personally recommend Doug to any business owner who is looking for assistance with their businesses growth."


Eric Reiger, President of WEBIT Services, Inc.  Naperville, IL

“If you want to make a positive impact on your business, Doug is the person you want to work with. He’s the one person in our mentor group I couldn’t do without."

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CEO Coaching

We cannot coach individual members of an Executive Team because of potential conflicts, but we can coach the team leader which is usually the CEO.

Executive Team Coaching

Focus on steady improvement in the following 8 key priority areas of business improvement.

Speaking / Events

Planning a 1/2 day to week-long event for your team?  Let us help you design the event around your intended outcomes.  Frequently requested topics (but feel free to ask about topics that are specific to your event):

  • Strategic Planning
  • Open Book Management
  • 8 Priorities of Business Improvement



You need results and you need them now.

Business Improvement’s proven processes work, and are designed to maximize impact with a minimum of meeting time. The processes are based on solid business best practices used in countless emerging businesses worldwide, and once learned, can be implemented in any business.

Many of the best practices that we teach have been developed by thought leaders and have been implemented in more than 40,000 businesses worldwide. For example, some of the best practices come from "The Great Game of Business" authored by Jack Stack, and developed to refined by the companies that he started called the Springfield Remanufacturing Company (SRC).  Some of the best practices have been designed and refined by Doug Diamond, one of only a small percentage of business coaches worldwide who also ran a company that became a gazelle (a company that grows it’s revenues 20% or more each year for 4 consecutive years).